My name is Jenny and I'm a photographer. Beyond photography, I am an ardent plant-lover, a one-hit-wonder-baker, and, for a while, I was an early childhood and international teacher. My greatest love is sharing stories.
My own story began immersed in joyful family life. I daydreamed about being an astronaut, to see and feel the immensity of the world in its truthful glory, all from the surface of the moon. That childhood explorer-heart blossomed and refined itself over the years, and I became a photographer with the exact same purpose. I still want to see and feel the immensity of the world, but now I celebrate its intricacies and interconnectedness through the much-closer vantage of my lens.
I'm every bit the starry-eyed dreamer I was at age ten, but, instead of the moon, my own story has taken me through sub-zero temperatures near the Siberian border to sunsets over the Nile Delta. The more I see of this amazing world, the more I am convinced that our interconnectedness is what makes life so staggeringly miraculous. There is nothing more beautiful to me than the love we hold for each other. 

Born and raised in the PNW, I've made a handful of longterm moves to other countries to fuel my artistic vision while connecting with smaller, local communities where I lived and worked as a teacher. My three years living internationally forged in me a deep reverence for our beautiful world and the myriad cultures, communities and living beings for whom this earth is home.

My happy place is in the storytelling; honoring and celebrating your message, your voice. I believe that good photography requires excellent people skills, in addition to the necessary technical skills and artistry. I'm great at making people comfortable, reading the room and working with children. For me, it's not about arranging things to look "picture perfect." It's about authentically and collaboratively recording the power and wonder of your story, in all its truthful glory.

I have completed certificates in both Ethical Photography and The Art of Storytelling with Photographers Without Borders.
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